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Updating Your Profile Name, Email & Affiliation Information

Basic program information including your name, email, and affiliation are all stored in the WEAI membership management system and linked over to the program platform. To maintain the integrity of the membership and program participant data, you will need to make changes to your basic information by visiting your WEAI profile.

To Edit Your Name

On your Account tab under Personal Info, you can edit your name fields:


To Edit Your Email

Your email address is what ties your information together between the membership database and the conference system. If you change your email address on your profile, please notify sessions@weai.org so that the connection can be manually reset. On your Account tab under Contact Info, you can edit your email address (make sure to mark the email you would like to use as primary):

To Edit Your Affiliation

On your Organizations tab, link yourself to the appropriate organization as you want it to be listed in the program (again, be sure your new affiliation is marked as primary):


The next time you login to the conference platform your information should update automatically. If you get stuck or need further assistance, we're always here to help! Contact sessions@weai.org.